About me

That's me - Frank

Experience Bavaria up close

Fascinating locks. Stunning clerical structures. Cities steeped in history on the Romantic Road. old customs etc.

Discover - Know - Tell

This feels like playing truant - It's awesome!

As a graduate industrial engineer with an additional MBA degree from a renowned university in England (EMBA, EQUIS and AACSB accredited), I have been showing other, often surprising, paths to success for more than 30 years at C-Level (Head of Marketing and Sales worldwide).

My way to quality of life and performance had many stations. In electronics from niche supplier to market leader in components in power electronics, sports NLP coach, DSLV ski instructor, barista, diver, extreme climber, ... And I learned a lot from each one.

Also how much a person can suffer when work and private life get out of balance. (Heart attack!)

In free time, on vacation -why the hurry?

Instead of manic sightseeing and the obligatory photo snaps, it's more about a place where its residents and their culture are more actively perceived . It's about the art of taking your time...

What has so far characterized the ideal of the modern adventure society , maximum increased attraction and always new sensory impressions in the shortest possible time , is no longer valid in such a one-dimensional way. Why? Do you know the feeling when you have experienced a lot at the end of a journey but are exhausted inside ? " Travel Burnout "...


To experience means to enjoy impressive AHA moments . Discovering almost unbelievable facts , combined with tingling, visual impressions that produce "goosebumps".

Beauty is always in the eye or brain of the beholder. Beauty is influenced by culture and our experiences .

"For the moment I may say: Stay a while, you are so beautiful!"

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - "Faust"

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